OFFSHORE- Been a tough week offshore for many, while others have managed to find some nice fish. Best bet on dolphin continues to be long runs offshore in search of fishy debris, weed lines, birds, and current rips. Trolling and covering some water will lead to some dolphin bites out deep, while setting up a deep drift(outside of 800') and chumming may bring the dolphin to you. Anytime the schoolies show up be sure to send a bait down deep for a lurking wahoo or larger bull dolphin looking to pick off an easy meal. A few wahoo have been caught out of Jupiter and Palm Beach inlets, but constant scattered weed is making high speed trolling for them tough. Inside along the 120' ledge the bonita and sharks are around in full force, with a few kingfish mixed in. Still hearing about a few cobia on the bottom out of Jupiter, and even a few more cobes out of St. Luice inlet. Snapper fishing is good, with some muttons, yellowtails, ands mangroves being caught by those putting their time in. Sardines remain the bait of choir for the snapper, and luckily we are still getting nice quality domestic sardines in on a regular basis.
INSHORE- Catch and release snook fishing is very good inshore right now. Summertime mangrove snapper are around the bridges, and willing to bite small live pilchards, sardines, and live shrimp. A few little tarpon have been active in the Loxahatchee River in the morning. Look for rolling fish early in the morning and throw suspending lures around them. Not a lot of other inshore action to write about this week. SURF/PIRER- Catch and release snook fishing around the inlets (both Palm Beach and Jupiter), along the beaches, and around the Juno Beach fishing pier is about as good as it get right now. Throwing lures at night and first light are a great choice, and then live bait when the sun comes up is the way to go for the snook. Be careful with the big spawning females, they hold the future of the snook population in their bellies! The Juno Beach Pier has been seeing a decent number of bonitas chasing baits around on the end of the pier. Some decent schools of croakers in the surf. SHOP UPDATE- Come check us out at the Big Dog & Fat Cat KDW Tournament this weekend. We will have a booth set up sat Sailfish Marina Friday and Saturday night, so be sure to stop by and say hi if your around for the tournament. It's a great tournament, a great party, and supports a great cause so be sure to check it out! Thanks For Reading, Todd FREIGHT TRAIN FISHING REPORT (http://www.freighttrainfishing)- Been a good week for Capt. Eric. Decent bottom fishing, snook fishing has been good in Jupiter Inlet, and lots of sharks offshore. Lots of good trip options available, give Capt. Eric a call about different deals he has going on right now. (561) 578-3941 Comments are closed.
December 2024