OFFSHORE- Weather report has bounced around a bit; but it looks like the later part of the weekend will end up being fishable. Pretty good dolphin reports before the weather turned on us this week. A bulk of the dolphin came in 300-500' of water from the Juno Beach Pier to just north of Jupiter Inlet. Trolling small ballyhoo and bonita strips seemed to be as good of method as any for picking up the dolphin. Most of the dolphin are in the 5-10lb range, with a handful of bigger gaffers in the mix as well. Pretty good fall blackfin reports in 300' of water as well; with a mid size vertical jig working great on the tuna. Small trolling feathers are also a good choice for the blackfin. A handful of wahoo around as well. No snapper reports to speak of, but it is likely that the big muttons will be in feeding heavily on the shallow reef.
INSHORE- Snook fishing remains very very good inshore right now. Lots of mullet inshore (mostly smaller finger mullet) and the snook are close behind; as are a good number of mid sized tarpon and jacks. During the day look for mullet schools to be in protected coves and areas without a huge amount of boat traffic. At night those schools will be more prone to move more freely up on the surface. Look for the snook and tarpon to be staged at likely ambush spots (Seawalls, bridges, boat docks, etc), waiting for the tide to push the mullet to them. Yo-Zuri Hydro Pencil and Mag Darters are two great lure choices right now for fishing around the mullet schools. Snapper fishing remains very strong in Jupiter Inlet right now. It's primarily mangrove snapper, but could still be a few mutton snapper around from the storm. SURF/PIER- Before the wind started blowing we had been seeing a nice push of mullet. Keep your fingers crossed that they didn't all get pushed past us too quick. It doesn't seem like that is the case though; and hopefully as the surf lays down the good tarpon and snook fishing continues along the beach. Best action has been early in the morning and then late again in the afternoon; with some mid day pop offs as well. A live mullet fished on the edge or under the schools is a good way to go. For Lures the 8" NLBN Straight Tail has been the number one lure of choice. The only problem with the NLBN is...the bluefish are showing up and making quick work of the soft plastics! The Juno Beach Pier (not sure at time of writing; but hoping will reopen Friday) has had a solid Spanish Mackerel bite. A few pompano starting to show up as well. NOAA MARINE WEATHER: FRI...W SW winds 10 to 15 kt. Seas 5 to 7 ft, occasionally to 9 ft. Period 10 seconds. N swell 3 to 6 ft. Intracoastal waters light chop. SAT...N winds 5 to 10 kt becoming NE in the evening. Seas 3 to 5 ft, occasionally to 6 ft. Intracoastal waters a light chop. A slight chance of showers and tstms. SUN...N NW winds 5 to 10 kt becoming NE in the evening. Seas 2 to 3 ft. Intracoastal waters a light chop. Thanks For Reading, Todd Great wahoo caught last weekend by Trish Brown off of Juno. OFFSHORE- Dolphin fishing was good early in the week, with a fair amount of fish in 600-900' of water. Drifting and chunking on weedlines has been effective, as has trolling a spread of the usual smaller baits (strips, squid, small jetheads). Conditions do look like they are about to totally change going into the weekend; with a run way offshore not being quite as friendly as earlier in the week. With that said, we could see a really nice sailfish bite pop off this weekend. North-Northeast winds and some swells could provide for some early (or as the case maybe this summer...late) season tailers and good kite fishing conditions. The dolphin that have been offshore will likely be in the same 200-300' range as the sailfish as well. Fair number of small blackfin tuna around this week. Small trolling feathers (Williamson Flash Feather or Tormenter Mini Tuna Dart) are a good way to go for the football sized tuna. Bottom fishing reports remain fair, with a handful of good mutton and yellowtail snapper around.
INSHORE- Snook fishing has been good this week; it just takes some time and effort to get them dialed in. Fishing pressure has been high, so it also takes a little creativity and/or luck to find a spot not filled up with people. Finger mullet, along with a handful of silvers, have started to push inshore in good numbers. The snook, and tarpon, will be keyed in nicely on them. Look for the best action to be during lowlight periods of the day or at night. The mullet will move more and on the surface at these times making them easier for you...and the fish to find. A live mullet fished on the outside edge of the school, or sometimes underneath is a good way go. If your throwing lures the small Yo-Zuri Mag Darter or Topknock Pencil will be a good way to go. With a building swell on the beach, it is likely that the mullet could be pushed inshore in big numbers this weekend. In other words...GO FISHING; its likely going to go off! SURF/PIER- The mullet run has grabbed everybody's attention this week...and the fishing has been good when you find them! The early part of the mullet run attracts the most snook and tarpon so don't wait around too long to try and find them. A live mullet fished on the edge of the pods is always going to be a good choice; for lures try a good casting lure like a Yo-Zuri Longcast minnow. A building swell this weekend is going to make surf fishing tough (at least in spots), but as long as the water doesn't go to complete garbage the fish will no doubt be around. The Juno Beach Pier has been good this week with a fair number of snook, Spanish Mackerel, ladyfish, and blue runners around. The Pier has still been holding a decent amount of sabiki bait (pilchards and cigar minnows), but hard to say if that will still last through the weekend. NOAA MARINE WEATHER: FRI...N winds 5 to 10 kt. Seas 2 to 3 ft. Period 6 seconds. Intracoastal waters a light chop. SAT...E NE winds 10 to 15 kt. Seas 4 to 6 ft, occasionally to 8 ft. Intracoastal waters a moderate chop. A chance of showers in the morning. A chance of tstms. Showers likely in the afternoon. . SUN...E winds 5 to 10 kt. Seas 3 to 5 ft, occasionally to 6 ft. Intracoastal waters a light chop. A chance of showers and tstms. MON...E SE winds 5 to 10 kt. Seas 2 to 3 ft. Intracoastal waters light chop. Showers with a chance of tstms. Thanks For Reading, Todd OFFSHORE- Reports were a bit slow this week offshore; largely due to the large swell early in the week (and also it's just that time of year...). Not much doing on the dolphin as the gulfstream pushed way offshore and weedlines/debris were harder to find. East winds and calmer conditions into the weekend should help improve the dolphin fishing though into the weekend. The backside of the full moon did produce a few wahoo bites in 150-300' of water. Best bite on the wahoo was early in the morning, but a few were caught late in the afternoon as well. Nomad DTX minnow or a planer with a big bonita strip continue to produce the best results on the wahoo. The small fall blackfin tuna are showing up in 200-300' of water. Small trolling feathers or very small daisy chains are a great choice for the little football sized tuna. Bottom fishing reports, though slightly limited, were pretty good this week. Some nice sized mutton snappers around along with some very nice yellowtails. Sardines, bonita chunks, and squid remain the best bait choice on the bottom.
INSHORE- Snook fishing popped off pretty good this week. The finger mullet started to show up inshore in fair numbers, and the snook (along with tarpon, jacks, and ladyfish for that matter) are tagging along with them. Look for the best action to be at night as the mullet move more comfortably under the cover of darkness. Moving water (incoming or outgoing) is key, and it's kind of a guessing game on where when the mullet will come through. Topwater plugs (like a Yo-Zuri Topknock), swimmning plugs (Rapala X-Rap), or swimbait (3 and 5" NLBN) are all great lure choices for the snook. Fish the baits with the current, and focus on ambush spots and current breaks. If you find yourself fishing in the middle of big mullet schools; focus on fishing the outside edges or underneath the school. At that point it's all about making the bait look different (IE a injured baitfish on the edge of the school). SURF/PIER- Swells at the first part of the week somewhat limited surf reports; but it's looking pretty good coming into the weekend! Plus...the mullet run is basically here! Reports of big (we are talking BIG schools) mullet schools were coming in from Jensen Beach this week with tarpon and big snook in them. Everything looks right for them to be in our area (or at very least only a short drive north) over the weekend. Expect the tarpon, snook, jacks, big ladyfish, and a whole bunch of others around the mullet schools. No bluefish reports yet, but they will likely not be far behind now as well, same with the sharks. A handful of pompano reports as well coming in. It's a bit on the early side for the pomps, but not by much. It may still feel like summer outside...but we are no doubt on our way to fall fishing! NOAA MARINE WEATHER: FRI...E SE winds 5 to 10 kt. Seas 1 to 2 ft. Period 3 seconds. Intracoastal waters a light chop. Showers likely with a chance of tstms. SAT...E winds 5 to 10 kt. Seas around 2 ft. Intracoastal waters light chop. A chance of showers in the morning. A chance of tstms . Showers likely in the afternoon SUN...E NE winds 5 to 10 kt. Seas 2 to 3 ft. Intracoastal waters light chop. A chance of showers in the morning. A chance of tstms . Showers likely in the afternoon. Thanks For Reading, Todd Ricky (IG @pickle_ricky14) cashing in on snook season! The 8" NLBN getting the job done OFFSHORE- Dolphin fishing remains pretty solid offshore this week. Depth range once again has bounced around, but 700-100' seems to keep popping up. The key remains finding something floating or well formed weedlines and the dolphin are likely not far behind. Trolling smaller baits (strips, squid, small lures) is the key as most of the dolphin are in the 5-10lb range. Not to worry though; a odd 20 pounder will smoke the small baits as well! The other big thing this weekend will (or at least should) be the wahoo bite. The bite has improved this week as the moon has gotten bigger, and should continue on into the weekend. Trolling bonita strips or split tail mullet behind a planer is a great option. For an easy to use deep trolling bait, the Nomad DTX minnow is hard to beat! Along the 120' ledge the bonita are starting to thin out. The kingfish are still around and biting well. Tough snapper bite on the bottom this week; and honestly the full moon shouldn't really help that much.
INSHORE- The inshore fishing was a bit slow this week; but those grinding it out on the snook scene have been producing a few bites. Still a fair topwater bite on the snook in the river early in the morning, but expect that to slow just a bit with a full moon this weekend. Did see a few schools of finger mullet show up inshore this week. The early schools typically are a little easier to fish at night, as they are less skittish and come up to the top better. The finger mullet schools have been holding a lot of tarpon in the super fun 20-40lb range, along with a good number of snook as well. Any spawning snook left in the inlet will likely be on the move after the full moon this weekend, so expect the inshore bite to really get good in the next few weeks. The Jupiter Inlet continues to hold a good number of mangrove snapper. The snapper have been biting best on small live pilchards and live shrimp as well. SURF/PIER- Snook fishing once again remains the main game in town this week. The Juno Beach Pier continues to produce the most consistent bite on the snook. Live pilchards (and really any other baits caught on the sabiki) seem to be getting the most bites, with a few fish swiping at NLBN Swimbaits as well. The snook will generally be the most active early in the morning and late afternoon; but also be sure to keep an eye on tide and weather changes as well as that can/will also fire up the bite. If the snook are floating up in the bait schools go for a flatlined live bait; while a bottom bait on a slide rig will be the ay to go when they are tight to the bottom. Up to the north of us (sounds like Cocoa to roughly Fort Pierce) the mullet run is getting under way pretty good; with the big tarpon being the main players. With a swell coming into next week it is likely that we could see the first good pods of mullet show up this weekend. They won't be hard to miss...the giant tarpon will point them out while somersaulting through them. If and when the mullet do show up, we will try to get out an updated report. NOAA MARINE WEATHER: FRI...S winds 10 to 15 kt. Seas 1 to 2 ft. Period 3 seconds. Intracoastal waters a light chop. A chance of showers in the morning. A chance of tstms. Showers likely in the afternoon. . SAT...S SE winds 5 to 10 kt. Seas 1 to 2 ft. Intracoastal waters light chop. A chance of showers and tstms. SUN...E SE winds 5 to 10 kt. Seas 2 to 3 ft. Intracoastal waters light chop. A slight chance of showers and tstms in the morning, then a chance of showers and tstms in the afternoon. Thanks For Reading, Todd Captain Tim of Adrenaline Rush Charters ( has been on fire as of late. This was couple of dolphin from a trip they spanked em good on just a few days ago. OFFSHORE- This week saw some good dolphin fishing again. Depth range on the dolphin bounced around widely, with some fish being caught in as shallow as 350-400 and others out past 1500'. For the most part the dolphin remain tight to structure, and not as much out in open water. Trolling small ballyhoo, squid, and bonita strips remains the best bet for the dolphin. Chumming heavily around well formed weedlines and floating debris should also work for the dolphin. A small handful of sardine chunks and a block of chum should get any interested fish going. East wind in the forecast this weekend should help push the dolphin in a little shallower. Kingfish action remains fair in the 100-200' of water from the Juno Beach Pier to Jupiter Inlet. Best king bite has been early in the morning, and then they have been biting again around sunset. A wahoo or two has been mixed in with the kingfish. Should really start to see some good wahoo fishing late in the weekend into next week as the moon gets bigger and bigger. Snapper fishing remains good along the bottom. A nice mixture of mutton, mangrove, and yellowtail snapper has kept things interesting along the bottom.
INSHORE- Snook season is back open...I mean it's kind of like a holiday in itself right??? Snook bite remains strong in the Loxahatchee River early in the morning on topwaters. The Yo-Zuri Hydro and Topknock Pencil continue to get smashed by snook hanging along seawalls, dock, and mangrove points with current on them. The current is a big key to it. While you can on occasion coax a bite out of a snook on slack tide, moving water will greatly improve your chances! The snook bite also remains strong around the bridges at night. Top of the outgoing tide will likely produce the best results on the snook, especially in areas closer to inlet with cleaner water. Other inshore action is a bit slow. Best bet will no doubt be to focus on the snook. SURF/PIER- Snook fishing remains very good at the Juno Beach Pier and in the Inlets. At the pier a 5" NLBN swimbait has been getting smoked by the snook. White and natural color swimbaits have been producing the best results on the snook. The snook in Jupiter Inlet have been keyed in on small pilchards for the most part; but are starting to also take notice of the first traces of mullet showing up. A few good schools of mullet did come down the beach this week. It was almost like the predators weren't expecting them just yet and they didn't have much in them. As the schools continue to show up in better numbers that will no doubt change quickly. Tarpon have been in the minnow schools up to the north pretty good. Still a good number of mangrove snapper around the pier and in Jupiter Inlet this week. NOAA MARINE WEATHER: FRI...E winds 5 to 10 kt. Seas 1 foot. Period 2 seconds. Intracoastal waters a light chop. A chance of tstms in the morning. A chance of showers. A slight chance of tstms in the afternoon. SAT...E winds 10 to 15 kt with gusts to around 20 kt. Seas 2 to 3 ft. Intracoastal waters a moderate chop. A slight chance of showers and tstms in the morning, then a chance of showers and tstms. SUN...E NE winds around 10 kt. Seas around 2 ft. Intracoastal waters a light chop. A chance of showers and tstms. MON...E winds 5 to 10 kt. Seas 1 to 2 ft. Intracoastal waters a light chop. A chance of showers and tstms in the evening, then a slight chance of showers and tstms after midnight. A chance of showers and tstms in the afternoon. Thanks For Reading, Todd This is a Snook killer in the Loxahatchee River right now.... |
December 2024