The weekend is almost upon us, spring training is in full swing, spring break is all but here for Palm Beach County schools, and the south FLorida weather is GREAT! LIfe is good...time to go fishing!
OFFSHORE- The big news offshore this week was the arrival of the COBIA! Good numbers of Cobia were caught from Palm Beach to Jupiter Inlet along the 120' ledge. The Cobia are following the bull sharks, so actually landing one can prove tough. A live bait fished down deep, or even a knocker rig with a dead sardine is a good way to find the cobia. Kingfish action continues to improve in 90-120' of water, with live sardines being the bait of choice. Again, the sharks are thick; so do what you can to get the kings in quick. Dolphin fishing improved late this week with the North wind, as did late season sailfish action. South current, and dirty water, early in the week slowed the snapper bite to a near standstill. Looks rough for Friday and Saturday, but Sunday on look like some nice days for a run offshore. Fishing should be good after this late season front! INSHORE- Snook fishing continues to improve see Capt. Eric's report ( for a quick rundown on the snook fishing lately. Other notable news inshore has been good numbers of black drum and a few sheepshead. LIve shrimp, peeled frozen shrimp, clams, sandfleas, or even fishbites are a good bait choice for these crustacean eating fools. SURF/PIER- Pompano action remains up and down, but the last few days have seen a few silver bullets around. Surf fishing with bait (sorry to all the jigging fans), clams, sandfleas, and fishbites, has been the ticket for the pompano lately. Our friend Pompano Rich ( had a few good pompano catches this week. AND, had a cool double header with a nice pompano on one hook and a redfish on the other! Lots of spinner sharks around for thoser that dig fun light tackle shark action! Thanks for Reading Good Luck This Weekend, Comments are closed.
December 2024