OFFSHORE- The early part of the week was a little tough fishing with some funky current and cold water, but the last few days have started to see things returning to more normal conditions. Dolphin fishing will most likely be better way offshore, especially on Saturday with some west southwest wind in the forecast. Should be the usual dolphin fishing patterns: find weed lines, rips, debris, working birds, and flying fish and the dolphin shouldn't be too far behind. If the schools are on the small side, try sending a jig or bait down deep. A lot of times the big dolphin, wahoo, or even blue marlin are hanging out under the little guys looking for an easy meal. In closer to the edge a few wahoo and blackfin tuna have been caught this week. High speeding is a good bet for the wahoo, as is trolling a split-tail mullet down deep. The blackfin tuna will bite best early in the morning, and a daisy chain is hard to beat to get them fired up. Kingfish remain scattered along the ledge from the Juno Beach Pier to north of Jupiter Inlet in 90-150' of water. A live sardine is a good choice for the kings,just takes a little luck to get it past the forever hungry bonita. Plenty of bonita and sharks along the ledge right now for those looking for good action. Though they both get a bad wrap, it can be really cool to get the chum line going and watch the life come around the boat. It's amazing what a block or two of chum and some glass minnows will get going! Snapper fishing was tough early in the week with cold water, but should improve as more normal water and current conditions return.
INSHORE- Catch and release snook fishing is great inshore right now, with both good numbers and big snook around. Areas closer to the Inlets are a good choice right now, but still a good number of fish in there ICW and Loxahatchee River for those looking to get out of the crowd a little bit. Live baits will be the best during the day, while swim baits, jigs, and plugs are great choices at night. While both tides can be good for snook fishing,look for a little more cooperation out of the snook on outgoing tides. The slightly dirtier water tends to make them a little easier to trick. Hearing some decent reports on the mangrove snappers around the bridges at night, and a few good black drum reports up in Stuart. SURF/PIER- Just a little early, but it's almost time to start looking for some mullet to show up along the beach. Another couple weeks of slow fishing should start to give way to some good fall action along the beach (despite the summer like temps that will no doubt remain!). Snook fishing remains good early in the morning and late in the afternoon. If you have to go during the higher light periods, spend the time to catch some croakers or whiting for bait. Starting to hear some fair reports from the beaches north of Jupiter Inlet on spanish macs, runners, ladyfish, and other assorted stuff. SHOP UPDATE- New stock is rolling in daily. Just got in some great hats and shirts from K-Scott Art. Big order of Skinny Water Culture hats coming in any day. Big box of DOA just came through the door, as well as some Vudu Mullets. 4" Spool-Tek should be arriving early next week. THANKS For Reading, Todd FREIGHT TRAIN FISHING REPORT- Been a pretty good week of fishing for us. Kingfish action remains good, lots of sharks and bonitas, and a handful of dolphin and blackfin tuna over the past week. Snook fishing is good in Jupiter Inlet, and we even saw a handful of tarpon last night. Lots of good stuff going on right now, give me a call about different trip options! Thanks, Capt. Eric (561) 578-3941 Comments are closed.
December 2024