OFFSHORE- Kind of another lackluster week of reports offshore. Dolphin fishing was good for some, ok for others, and downright poor for the rest. In standard dolphin fishing fashion it was a more a matter of right time right spot than anything; with scattered reports coming in from 300-1500' of water. Wahoo action was slower this week (not surprising), but a few were caught. Scattered kingfish in 1000-120' of water south of Lake Worth Inlet. Snapper fishing was fair this week, with the best reports coming from the Juno Beach Pier to Jupiter Inlet in 80-90' of water. Should be a great weekend to be offshore...go if you have the chance!
INSHORE- Catch and release snook fishing remains the main game in town right now. Rumors are swirling of some small scattered schools of mullet showing up inshore....which means it won't be long! No better time than the fall mullet run for some inshore fishing. The Home Sound Flats are holding a pretty decent amount of fish for summertime. Getting some reports of snook, occasional redfish, and even a trout or two up that way. Mangrove snapper action seemed a bit slower this week inshore. SURF/PIER- Catch and release snook fishing remains very good along the beach, at the Juno Beach Pier, and in the inlets. Hard to beat a live croaker or sandperch for bait during the day, while flair hawk jigs and SpoolTek swimbaits are doing the job at night. The Juno Beach Pier has had a few decent Spanish Mackerel days this week, and calm conditions could get them going again. Bait remains a bit slim at the pier, and that is largely what is not getting the Macs around in better numbers. A few decent mangrove snapper are being caught early in the morning at the Juno Beach Pier and at Jupiter Inlet as well. Sandperch and croakers are biting small pieces of shrimp well in the first trough. Surf conditions should be pretty nice this weekend, and the large amounts of seaweed from last weeks east winds are thinning out. NOAA MARINE WEATHER- FRIDAY...Northwest winds around 5 knots becoming east. Seas less than 2 feet. Period 8 seconds becoming 3 seconds. Intracoastal waters smooth. A slight chance of showers and thunderstorms. SATURDAY...South winds 5 to 10 knots. Seas less than 2 feet. Intracoastal waters a light chop. A slight chance of showers and thunderstorms in the morning...then a chance of showers and thunderstorms. SUNDAY...South southeast winds 5 to 10 knots. Seas less than 2 feet. Intracoastal waters a light chop. A chance of showers and thunderstorms. Thanks For Reading, Todd Comments are closed.
December 2024