OFFSHORE: Based on the weather forecast (see below) it doesn't really look like we will be selling a whole lot of offshore bait this weekend. Those that made it out earlier this week found a fair sailfish bite and some scattered dolphin. Sailfish bite has been somewhat spread out, with a bite popping up for a few hours in random spots. The Juno Beach Pier to Jupiter Inlet (in 100-200' of water) has remained a consistent spot for the sailfish. Dolphin have been in the same area as well, with the best action coming in 200-300' of water. Still a few nice blackfin tuna around, and a report or two of a wahoo still popping up. A few kingfish have been hanging around the 120' ledges well. Minimal bottom fishing reports came in this week; dirty water (and a rough ocean) has made bottom fishing tough.
INSHORE- Snook season is back open; but the snook (as they usually do at this time of year) are going to make you work for one. During the day look for snook to be laid up around seawalls, boat docks, and on dark mud flats. Snook (like all good native Floridians) don't care much for the cold weather, and will be in areas they can soak up as much heat as possible. Dark mud bottoms with good sun exposure heat up the quickest; and the snook like to seek these out. Cool temps will have the snook moving slow; keep the baits small, presentation slow, and don't get in a hurry. At night look for snook to be around bridges with deep water. Shrimp make up a big part of a snook's diet this time of year, so base lure and bait choices around that. Other action inshore has been fair. The jacks and ladyfish are in their usual spots in fair numbers. A few reports of a trout or two, and occasional redfish, coming in from the Hobe Sound Flats. Still a fair number of sheepshead and black drum being caught around the bridges. SURF/PIER- Pompano have been biting pretty good from the Juno Beach Pier to Jupiter inlet. Shrimp, sand fleas, clams, and FishBites all remain good bait choices for the pomps. Look for the best action early in the morning and late afternoon. Bluefish are biting well north of Jupiter Inlet. Cut bait and silver spoons remain the baits of choice on the blues. Some croaker and whiting still hanging out in the first trough. Nothing beats a small piece of fresh shrimp for the croaker and whiting. Good numbers of spinner sharks around; but they have been moving around a lot; be prepared to do some driving to find em'! SHOP UPDATE- Super Bowl Sunday we will be closing a little early. Shop Hours will be (6AM-4PM). Be sure to check out our online products going up daily on it! NOAA Marine Forecast: FRIDAY...NORTH WINDS 20 TO 25 KNOTS. SEAS 8 TO 10 FEET WITH OCCASIONAL SEAS TO 13 FEET. DOMINANT PERIOD 7 SECONDS. INTRACOASTAL WATERS A MODERATE CHOP. SCATTERED SHOWERS. SATURDAY...NORTHEAST WINDS 5 TO 10 KNOTS. SEAS 4 TO 6 FEET WITH OCCASIONAL SEAS TO 8 FEET. INTRACOASTAL WATERS A LIGHT CHOP. SCATTERED SHOWERS...MAINLY IN THE AFTERNOON. SUNDAY...NORTHWEST WINDS 25 TO 30 KNOTS. SEAS 9 TO 11 FEET WITH OCCASIONAL SEAS TO 14 FEET. NORTH NORTHEAST SWELL 3 FEET. INTRACOASTAL WATERS ROUGH IN EXPOSED AREAS. A CHANCE OF SHOWERS. Thanks For Reading Good Luck This Weekend, Todd Comments are closed.
December 2024