OFFSHORE- Very nice looking forecast this weekend for a run offshore. Fishing this week was good for some, and slow for others. Sailfish action was a bit off with the calmer conditions, but a few were still caught. The sailfish bite to the north (Stuart to Fort Pierce) of us is a little better, especially to those pulling multiple dredges and covering water to find the fish. The dolphin bite was fair this week out of Palm Beach Inlet. Best depth for the dolphin seemed to be 200-400' of water. Trolling ballyhoo, bonita strips, or squid all seemed to produce some dolphin this week. Bottom fishing was very good this week out of both Jupiter and Palm Beach Inlets. Mutton and yellowtail snapper made up the bulk of the bottom catch, with a few grouper in the mix as well. Just a little under two weeks left of grouper season, so get out and try and get one now. Also some cobia in the mix while drift fishing the reef right now. Sardines are hard to beat for bottom bait right now.
INSHORE- The inshore fishing was a bit slow this week on the flats. Munyon Island and Hobe Sound grassflats have a few fish hanging around. Assorted jacks, ladyfish, drum, sheepshead, and pompano may be hanging around these areas, and a live shrimp will usually get their attention. Snook season is over, but those looking for some catch and release action will find a few fish around dark mudflats and and the bridges at night. The Loxahatchee River is starting to hold some of its wintertime species; look for snook around the docks, and pompano in the second and third bays. SURF/PIER- Calm and clear conditions made the surf fishing a little tough this week. With very clear water the best action is on low light periods. Fish early and late to give yourself a chance at some fish. Spanish Mackerel are holding at Peck's Lake in fair numbers. Pompano are around, but they are skittish. Not a lot to report on the bluefish or sharks. A few cobia have been seen on the Juno Beach Pier. Beyond that fishing was a little slow this week. Good Luck Everyone! Thanks For Reading, Todd Freight Train Fishing Update ( Spent a good amount of time Mackerel fishing at Peck's Lake this week. If you've never been spanish mackerel fishing at Pack's Lake with light tackle your really missing out! When we get them fired up it can be a fish on almost every cast, and you can watch a lot of them eat your lure close to the boat. IT is a great trip for kids or anglers who are looking for good fast action. Blue runners and other assorted species keep things interesting between the mackerel. Also spent some time inshore this week. Action was a little slow, but did find a few nice laid up snook to cast some lures and baits to. Thanks, Capt. Eric Freight Train Fishing (561) 578-3941 Comments are closed.
December 2024