"Getting Goofy Series"
Part 3 "Rigging Options" Doc's Goofy Jigs are almost always fished with an additional quill (sometimes called a teaser or stinger). The quill provides a little different color, extra action, and well...another hook to stick em! Many pompano (at least half, if not more) are caught on the quill. The two most popular ways to rig the jig/quill combo are pictured above. 1. Loop Knot (Gold Jig/Pink Quill Pictured): Tie the quill and jig together in the same loop knot. Once you have the loop knot down it is an easy knot to tie, gives the jig lots of action, and can re-tied very quickly. 2. Split Ring (Yellow Jig/Pink Quill Pictured): The jig and quill are attached together using a small split ring. This rig can be good for having a lot of jig/quill color combos rigged and ready to switch out very quickly.
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"Getting Goofy" Series
Part 2 "What is the best color?" Picking the right goofy jig color is tough. Not only are Doc's available in numerous colors, they are commonly rigged with an additional quill or "teaser" to further complicate color choice. Add in the fact that pompano can have a mind of their own, and change color preference almost daily....and the equation can seem almost impossible to solve. The following are five good tips to get started when picking Goofy Jig/Quill Combos: 1. When in doubt...Gold Goofy Jig/Pink Quill. This is a classic combo, and still catches them! 2. Start With contrasting jig/quill combos (Yellow Jig/Pink Quill, Pink Jig/White Quill, Etc). If this doesn't work, try matching jig and quill combos. 3. In clear water stay with more natural colors, and in murky water get brighter with color choices. Chartreuse(lime green) has been a hot color lately. 4. When jigging inshore areas (grassflats, mudflats, channels, etc) pink and orange jigs are always a good choice. 5. Have a variety of choices, change them often, and don't be afraid to get a little wild with your color combos. "Getting Goofy" Series
Part 1 "Size Matters" Doc's Goofy Jigs are dynamite lures for catching pompano (and a host of other species as well!). Available in a wide variety of sizes and colors, picking out just the right jig can be a little tricky. When it comes to picking the correct weight jig the following is a rough guide to get you started. This is by no means set in stone, so don't be afraid to mix it up. SOmetimes a heavier(or lighter) jig is just what it takes to get the bites! -1/4oz: Ideal for fishing grassflats and other "inshore" pompano areas. Typically used in calmer clearer water situations with little current. Also good from the piers on super calm clear days. -3/8oz: Most versatile all around size. Great choice for inshore fishing areas, especially those that are a little deeper or have some current. Also a good choice from the pier on days when the wind has a little chop on the water, but overall the water is clear. -1/2oz: A little heavy for most inshore applications. Best all around size for jigging from a pier. Great choice in a good breeze and when the water has some "color" to it. -3/4oz: Almost entirely a surf/pier size. Use this size when the wind is blowing, the water is cloudy, ands you need the most distance out of your cast. -1oz: The biggest of all the Goofy Jigs, use this one only when the wind is really howling and the other sizes just won't get down to the bottom. Todays Tip From Capt. Eric Gates (http://www.freighttrainfishing.com)
"When your hooked on throwing jigs and big swimbaits for snook it can be tough to pick up and throw anything else. But as the water starts to cool the bigger baits are not always the answer. Sometimes a DOA Cal Shad, DOA Shrimp, or small shrimp style jig is just the ticket for enticing a strike out of otherwise lock-jawed wintertime snook in south Florida! When the big stuff just isn't working, throw something a little smaller at them. the results just may surprise you." |
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